Tuesday, April 11, 2006

George W. Stole My Internet!

So...maybe I don't have proof of that statement, but it's quite a coincidence that while the president was in town our Cable Internet could not connect, so we'll blame it on him. Because no sooner had he left town then, voila!, we had internet again. It's a conspiracy, we'll go with that.
And yes, the Commander-In-Chief did in fact grace Jefferson City with his presence today if you were not aware. I believe they said the 4th president to visit the city since 1900. Not too shabby for our little capital I guess. It was one of those whirlwind tours that was basically to make him look good because he was talking about Medicare, which is important yes, but why exactly here? Yeah, I don't know. But wow does that make excitement in this town.
He had a panel "discussion" at the brand new Performing Arts Center which was rather dull until he got to his last two panel members. An older lady who is just a sweetheart and a crowd favorite and an older man who refused to buy a suit just to meet the president...lol. They were a riot! Very polite, but truly representatives of the down-home, genuine people I love about this area. Can you tell she was awesome??

It was really only her and the other gentleman that made the President look good, and they were just being friendly. :)
So that was my day really. The news took over the t.v. for most of the day with live coverage of his motorcade and such. I didn't venture into town because for a few hours you couldn't even cross the bridge, let alone go anywhere, and he's not one of my favorite Presidents anyway. ;) But I get to go substitute in the gifted program tomorrow which actually had to cancel classes today because they are held in the new Performing Arts Center of all random places. Thus many of the lessons I'm sure will end up in a discussion of today's excitement. Oh well, the joys of subbing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh. GWB makes my stomach churn. I firmly believe that he will go down as the worst president in the history of the US. Can you say Evil Moron?